What Does the Bible Say About Beards?

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There is a lot of debate these days about what the Bible says about beards. Some people believe that the Bible commands men to grow beards, while others believe that it is simply a matter of personal preference. 

So, what does the Bible say about beards? Let’s take a look at what some of the key passages have to say on the subject.

What do beards symbolize in the Bible?

Beards in the Bible are often seen as a sign of strength and manhood. They symbolize wisdom, honor, and piety, comprising three essential elements of a godly life. 

It was believed that the beard was a mark of God’s favor or protectiveness and resembled His glory. Characters such as Abraham and Moses have often seen sporting beards as noted in multiple accounts throughout the Bible. 

While modern readers may typically perceive facial hair differently, it is clear that beards remain an iconic symbol of power, prominently featured throughout scripture.

Is it religious to have a beard?

When it comes to having a beard, opinions vary drastically amongst religious communities. 

For some, a beard is a symbolic sign of piety; for others, it might be an obligation outside of personal preference. In some circumstances, religious teachings may even suggest that men should shave their beards to appear more humble and solemn. 

Regardless of the viewpoint, a beard can be an outward display of faith when embraced by an individual or community. While there is no one size fits all answer as to whether or not having a beard is religious, it is clear that personal interpretation will always play an important role.

What religion does not allow beards?

Some religions view facial hair as a symbol of patriarchy or spiritual freedom and thus require it to be kept neatly trimmed. 

Some of the faiths that do not allow their followers to grow and maintain beards are Sikhism, Orthodox Judaism, and the Amish. 

Orthodox Jews believe that facial hair impedes maintaining cleanliness, as required by Jewish law. Similarly, Sikhism teaches that facial hair is a way to remain humble and help keep a sincere devotion to God’s will.

The Amish eschew modern fashions as part of their spiritual practice, and therefore also choose to refrain from allowing beards. 

For adherents of these three practices in particular, keeping a well-groomed face without facial hair is seen as more spiritually beneficial than having any form of facial hair.

What religion is against shaving your beard?

Various religions have different stances on the matter of shaving one’s beard. Judaism, for example, forbids the practice of removing or even trimming one’s beard according to Leviticus 19:27. 

Additionally, Sikhism holds that uncut hair is an important part of their identity and should never be removed although some Sikhs will sometimes only trim their beard without completely shaving it off. 

Islam also values the power and respect of a man’s beard, with Prophet Muhammad encouraging believers not to cut or shave any facial hair. Even though many cultures in India consider shaving the face as a sign of respect, 

Hinduism does not take such a strict stance on facial hair as other religions do. Ultimately, whether one decides to keep their beard or opt for another look is up to personal preference.

What Bible verses are beard related?

Some people cite Bible verses to make a point about the importance of beards. 

Proverbs 20:29 states, “The glory of young men is their strength and the splendor of old men is their gray hair” – which suggests that age and wisdom are associated with having gray hair and a beard. 

In 1 Corinthians 11:14, it is written that “Doth, not even nature itself teach you, that if a man has long hair it is a shame to him?” This could also be interpreted as men should not shave their facial hair. 

Despite these possible interpretations, ultimately one should always seek guidance from their spiritual leader regarding specific questions on what Bible verses are beard related and how they should apply them to their life.

Closing Thoughts: What Does the Bible Say About Beards?

Whether you choose to follow what the Bible says about having a beard or not is entirely up to you. Nonetheless, it can important to consider how this ancient, written text from long ago still speaks to us today. 

Some interpretations of the Bible might suggest that if grown in moderation, having a beard can be seen as an act of humility and a representation of strength – even if it’s just symbolic. 

While others might view the use of facial hairstyles as vanity or lazy grooming practices. 

Still, whatever your views on Biblical passages related to beards are, ultimately it will always come down to personal decisions and preferences. If you decide that growing a beard is something you’d like to do, why not turn to Bible scriptures as sources of courage and strength during the journey? 

Whatever your choice on your hairy journey may be – whether it’s no-shave November, keeping clean shave all year round, or anything else in between – be intentional and present with your decision!

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Danny Santo

Danny Santo

Grooming your beard is a must if you're growing one - I learned that from personal experience.
So let me share with you what I learned in the past 3 years since I started growing my beard...

About Me

Grooming your beard is a must if you’re growing one – I learned that from personal experience.
So let me share with you what I learned in the past 3 years since I started growing my beard…

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